The Prayer Walk Was Held April 24th.

        If You Missed it, Join the Virtual Prayer Walk!

On April 24th, after the 11:00AM Worship Service, the Growing in Grace Connections Group organized a Prayer Walk around the Church Campus. Members of the church family started in the Sanctuary and walked around the campus, stopping in each room that would be affected by the Sanctuary closing in May. They said prayers together and personal prayers for the room, the construction workers, the people that would be using it and for our church.

If you would like to virtually walk through the church and participate in these prayers, click HERE to open our MUMC Virtual Prayer Walk.


Growing in Grace: Planned Renovations and Construction at Memorial in 2016


Workers began laying the foundation for the workshop and bus parking behind Maxwell Hall last week. Now, it’s time for the new workshop and bus parking to be constructed.
     There are parts of this job that volunteers skilled in building and woodwork will be needed for. This Saturday at 8:00AM, a group will meet in Maxwell Hall and have breakfast with the United Methodist Men. After breakfast, the group will have a brief training and begin work! Lunch will also be provided for the volunteers by the Yokefellows Group.
     Work days will be on Saturdays, April 16th, 23rd and May 7th. If you are interested in helping with this building project, please email:




Exciting News!!!


checkAs per the vote on August 26th, MUMC sent a check this week to pay off the loan for Phase 1. This was the loan that paid for the Maxwell Hall roof, the Parsonage upgrades and a portion of the Sanctuary exterior.
This loan was acquired from the Florida United Methodist Foundation because of the favorable rates and their experience with church renovations and construction. For the next loan, we will also look to acquire it through the Foundation.